

School Site Number: 900203613
Click Here to: Shop School Uniforms

Uniform Update for the 2025 - 2026 School Year 

Our uniform items may be purchased through the Lands’ End website. As we continue to transition to our new uniform policy, please note the following is new for the 2025-2026 school year: 

Our school uniform will no longer include navy blue polo shirts. As a reminder, all polo’s, outerwear, skirts/skorts and spirit wear must now be ordered through Lands’ End.

  • Shirts must be purchased from Lands’ End - Approved CCS uniform item with the school logo. Collared polo shirts in White, Black, Yellow or Gray.  Must have buttons (2-4) and be standard in nature (no ruffled edges, etc…). 

    • White, black and gray undershirts(long-sleeve T-shirts or turtlenecks) may be worn underneath uniform shirts.

  • Shorts / Pants – Approved CCS uniform shorts or slacks in Khaki, Gray, or Black.

    • All pants must fit appropriately, be worn at the waist, and may NOT be baggy, torn, cutoff, unraveling, or contain holes.

  • Skirts / Skorts must be purchased from Lands’ End. Approved CCS uniform skirts or skorts in Khaki, Gray, or Black.

    • Skirts / Skorts must touch the top of the knee.

    • Black or gray tights or leggings may be worn under skirts / skorts.

  • Outerwear must be purchased from Lands’ End - All sweaters, sweatshirts and jackets must be an approved CCS uniform item in gray or black purchased from Lands’ End. 

  • Spirit Wear - Current and previously ordered approved CCS spirit wear may be worn on Fridays with uniform bottoms.

  • Game Days

    • CCS sports teams may wear team jerseys on game days.

You can shop Lands’ End for your child by visiting: 

Next year, additional changes will be implemented that utilize Lands’ End provided uniform bottoms. CCS school bottoms are available on our school site on Lands’ End. You may wish to start purchasing these items rather than any new items from other retail stores.