After School Clubs


Choir Club

CCS Choir Club allows students to sing and perform in various events, developing vocal skills, teamwork, and stage confidence.

Drama Club

CCS Drama club is designed to teach and enhance performance capabilities on stage. Typically, there is one major performance per year. This year we will perform Annie Jr.

Who: 4th through 8th grade CCS students.

When: Tuesdays 3:30-4:15pm. Once a production has been cast, practices become more frequently.

Garden Club

Students in the Garden Club learn about growing plants and help maintain the school garden.

Who: Any CCS student in grades 1st through 8th who has an interest in learning to garden. Kindergarten students may be accepted into the Garden Club beginning in January. 

When: Mondays and Thursdays from 3:15-4:20pm - sign up for one or both days!